Certegy Ezi-Pay Gateway Reference

Communicating with Certegy Ezi-Pay in order to process a transaction via our payment gateway involves the customers' browser issuing an HTTP POST request to the Certegy Ezi-Pay gateway. This can be viewed as an authorisation request that is performed by the shopping cart in order to process the payment via Certegy Ezi-Pay.

There are two Certegy Ezi-Pay gateways that transaction information can be posted to and they represent the live Certegy Ezi-Pay payment gateway and the test (sandbox) gateway.

Certegy Ezi-Pay Gateways

Posting a request to the live payment gateway with the x_test set to false will process a real transaction. This means the credit card that was used as part of the checkout process will be debited. On the other hand, posting to the test gateway simulates a transaction and is not processed as a real transaction; that is, no real dollar amount will be debited from the specified credit card.

To test Certegy Ezi-Pay, you can use the test (sandbox) URL or you can use the live payment gateway with the testing flag enabled x_test = true. Test transactions will not incur any debits, and any credit card details will not be stored.

Certegy Ezi-Pay Environment URL
Production Gateway https://secure.certegyezipay.com.au/Checkout?platform=Default
Sandbox Gateway https://securesandbox.certegyezipay.com.au/Checkout?platform=Default

Request POST

Posting to the Certegy Ezi-Pay gateway, regardless of whether this is done in the live or test environment, should be done using the format application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Please note that Certegy Ezi-Pay adopts the convention of prefixing the various key names with x_ .

Below is an overview of the various key-value pairs that can be passed to Certegy Ezi-Pay (Request Values), a description of what they are as well as an indication of whether they are mandatory or optional.

Request values

Key Description Type Example
x_account_id Required This is a unique Merchant ID that is assigned by Certegy Ezi-Pay to individual merchants unicode string 123456
x_amount Required Represents the transaction's total amount including any taxes and shipping costs decimal 99.90
x_currency Required Currency of the transaction ISO-4217 AUD
x_customer_billing_address1 Billing address line 1 unicode string 97 Pirie St
x_customer_billing_address2 Billing address line 2 unicode string Level 6
x_customer_billing_city Billing city unicode string Adelaide
x_customer_billing_country Billing country iso-3166-1 alpha-2 AU
x_customer_billing_state Billing state unicode string SA
x_customer_billing_postcode Billing postcode unicode string 5000
x_customer_email Billing email address unicode string user@example.com
x_customer_first_name Customer's first name unicode string John
x_customer_last_name Customer's last name unicode string Appleseed
x_customer_phone Customer's phone number unicode string 0400 000 000
x_customer_shipping_address1 Shipping address line 1 unicode string 97 Pirie St
x_customer_shipping_address2 Shipping address line 2 unicode string Level 6
x_customer_shipping_city Shipping city unicode string Adelaide
x_customer_shipping_country Shipping country unicode string AU
x_customer_shipping_first_name Customer's first name (Shipping) unicode string John
x_customer_shipping_last_name Customer's last name (Shipping) unicode string Appleseed
x_customer_shipping_phone Customer's phone number (Shipping) unicode string 0400 000 000
x_customer_shipping_state Shipping state unicode string SA
x_customer_shipping_postcode Shipping postcode unicode string 5000
x_description Item's description as setup in the shopping cart unicode string Order #767
x_reference Required A reference that uniquely references the order and assigned by the merchant. This is unique to the shopping cart. ascii string (max length 36 bytes) 19783
x_shop_country Required Country of where the merchant's store is located iso-3166-1alpha-2 AU
x_shop_name Required Store name as advertised on the internet, TV and other media Shop Inc
x_signature Required Request payload that is signed/verified using HMAC-SHA256 hex string, case-insensitive See Signature Generation
x_test Required Indicates whether the transaction is to be processed using the live or test Certegy Ezi-Pay gateway true/false true
x_url_callback Required Callback notifications are sent asynchronously to this URL URL https://shop.com.au/callback
x_url_cancel Required Customers are redirected to this URL if they want to quit their Certegy Ezi-Pay transaction and return to the shopping cart store instead URL https://shop.com.au/cancel
x_url_complete Required Customers are redirected to this URL if they have successfully processed their transaction using Certegy Ezi-Pay URL https://shop.com.au/compete

Sample POST

Below is a sample request that might be posted to an Certegy Ezi-Pay gateway that is in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. In this example, please ignore values for individual keys - such as the value for x_signature - since this sample POST is for demonstration purposes only and does not demonstrate a real transaction that can be completed by Certegy Ezi-Pay.

x_reference=123&x_account_id=1&x_amount=100.00&x_currency=AUD&x_url_callback=sample_callback_url&x_url_complete=sample_complete_url&x_shop_country=AU&x_shop_name=Sample+Shop&x_test=true&x_customer_first_name=first&x_customer_last_name=last&x_customer_email=sample%40email.com&x_customer_billing_country=AU&x_customer_billing_city=Adelaide&x_customer_billing_address1=97+Pirie&x_customer_billing_address2=St&x_customer_billing_state=SA&x_customer_billing_zip=5000&x_invoice=%123 &x_description=Sample+Store+-+%123&x_url_cancel=sample_cancel_url&x_signature=dummy_signature

POST and GET responses

There are two responses from Certegy Ezi-Pay.

The first response that Certegy Ezi-Pay always performs is a server-to-server asynchronous POST to the shopping cart on the gateway specified in the x_url_callback and in the format application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Similar to the request POST, the response POST includes key-values pairs that are specific to that transaction and indicate things such as the outcome of that particular transaction if it has failed or is completed successfully for instance.

The second response is a HTTP GET to the client on either of the URLs specified in x_url_complete or x_url_cancel.

Response POST values

Below is an overview of the various response key-value pairs that Certegy Ezi-Pay returns after it has finished processing a transaction. Note that some of these key-value pairs echo corresponding key-value pairs in the request that Certegy Ezi-Pay receives - as is the case with x_currency for instance.

Key Description Type Example
x_account_id This is the Merchant ID assigned by Certegy Ezi-Pay to the merchant unicode string 123456
x_reference A reference that uniquely references the order and assigned by the merchant ascii string 19783
x_currency Currency of the transaction ISO-4217 AUD
x_test Indicates whether the transaction is to be processed as a live or a test transaction True/False False
x_amount Represents the transaction's total amount including any taxes and shipping costs decimal 99.90
x_gateway_reference A reference for the authorisation issues by Certegy Ezi-Pay that is unique unique string 123
x_timestamp Time at which the transaction is completed, in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ iso-8601 in UTC 2017-06-24T12:11:43Z
x_result Values that represent the outcome of a transaction Valid values are completed or failed completed
x_signature Response payload that is signed/verified using HMAC-SHA256 hex string, case-insensitive See Signature Generation

Response POST reply

It is expected that the POST reponse will be replied to by the sellers server to confirm that the POST response was recieved.
The expected key-value pairs of this reply are listed below.

Key Description Type Example
x_reference A reference that uniquely references the order and assigned by the merchant ascii string 19783
x_result Values that represent the outcome of a transaction Valid values are completed or failed completed