Setup on Magento 1

You can install Certegy Ezi-Pay plugin by manually copying plugin files across into your store's webserver.
Use the same instructions to upgrade your existing plugin to a newer release.

Supported Tech Stacks

Certegy Ezi-Pay has been developed and tested against the following Magento tech stacks:

Magento Version Operating System SQL PHP Version Web Server
Magento (CE) Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 5.5.55 5.6.30 Apache 2.4.18
Magento (CE) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 5.5.54 5.5.9 Apache 2.4.7

Plugin Installation

You will need your Merchant Number and an Encryption Key handy before continuing with the installation.

1 - You can create a backup of your store by navigating to System -> Tools -> Backup.

2 - Download the Certegy Ezi-Pay plugin from

3 - Unzip it, then copy the following plugin files and folders into the corresponding folders under the Magento root directory.

  • /app/code/community/Ezipay
  • /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/ezipayments
  • /app/design/adminhtml/base/default/template/ezipayments
  • /app/etc/modules/Ezipay_Ezipaymnents.xml
  • /skin/frontend/base/default/images/Ezipay/
  • /skin/adminhtml/base/default/images/Ezipay/

4 - Login into Magento's Admin Panel, click on System then select Cache Management.

5 - On the Cache Management page, click on Flush Magento Cache.



1 - Navigating to System > Configuration.

2 - On Configuration page, scroll downwards then click on Payment Methods on left side menu.


3 - Confirm Certegy Ezi-Pay Checkout is visible and once expanded looks similar to the image below.
